Graph Maker
In discrete math and computer science, a graph is a set of nodes plus a set of edges defined as pairs of connected nodes. Graph Maker is a webapp that allows for creation and modification of graphs. It can execute common algorithms on graphs and animate their progress on the displayed graph. It also allows for storage of graphs, and downloading images of graphs.
Go to the Graph Maker app.
To add a node, click
Add Node
then click on the canvas where the node should go. -
To add an edge, click
Add Edge
then click the two nodes connected by the new edge. - To reposition nodes, just drag the node. All of its edges come along with it
- To run traversal algorithms, select the algorithm, then click on the starting node.
To save your graph for later use, click
and then choose a name for your graph. -
To load a previously saved graph, select the graph name from
under the
selector. -
Export SVG
to export the image of the graph. -
Export JSON
to export the graph data structure.
The repository for Graph Maker is at: